Wednesday, April 25, 2012

This is the 1st day of my life...

Well folks... Here I am - Irvine, overly early a year later. I'm stunned I was able to drag this relocation out as long as I was (actually, not really. When you stop and look and think about it, I've been very successful over my life with getting things to play out the way I want.)

If you would have told me way back in my Christ the King grade school days that I would end up in California, I would have told you you were crazy. Even more so, if you would have told me in college, I would have told you #Dumb.

Whelp, here I am.

Why did I make the change? Well... The real answer is because my work forced me to move. I know they would said, "We didn't force you to do anything!" Well, when you live in the Midwest - an area that has been slowly dying for the past 8 years - and you just went thru the greatest depression since the Great Depression, it's not like there are a lot of other opportunities to turn to. Plus, who's going to look for a new job when you're already working 40 hrs a week (my friends would argue otherwise, but those Ohio State recruiting emails aren't going to write themselves) and the last thing you want to do is go home and stare at the computer some more and search for jobs in a jobless market. My favorite is when every single job requires 5 years of experience in 'said' field, yet when you just graduated college, no one has more than a year and a half of "experience."

So... Here I am... I jumped awhile on the diving board, but I finally took the one that springs you forward as opposed to just bobbing up and down. Now let's hope that I looked good and made a winning splash. Unfortunately just taking the jump itself isn't enough, I still have to put the effort in thought the dive to pull off that perfect score. As of just making it wasn't hard enough.

But I look at the most successful people in my family, and all of them seem to have one thing in common - they all took the dive and relocated when with their respective companies when the opportunity came knocking. Now hopefully I can continue that legacy and hold it true.

There was one last thing tho that finally allowed me to come to grips with the decision I was making, and that was the fear that I was leaving my friends and family behind. When I finally realized that I wasn't leaving them behind, rather, the lasting friendships I had made would always continue to g row with me, that made my decision a lot easier to swallow. Although, I will admit, ending my time with 'Killabrews,' 'Easy Company,' my 'Taylor Swift,' sailing the seas of Lake Erie, and the boys of '205' was not an easy pill to swallow. Those memories will forever be with me (even tho Mullins probably doubts that, lol).

So here I am... Sitting in Embassy Suites in Irvine typing on my iPad 3 (I refuse to call it "the new iPad"), drinking rum & coke, eating pretzels, chex-mix, and animal crackers, listening to Sirius-XM radio, and wondering where my life is going to be in 5 years. Once again, I would fail another interview question (why do they always seem to ask this question? And why can't "I don't know because I'm not fortune teller" suffice?).

I do think I'm going to wrap this up tho because I'm pretty sure it's happy hour at Ra (sushi) and I'd really like to have me some 'Las Vegas Roll'. #Delicious

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